Wednesday, December 12, 2012


.... Hey everyone... I'm having yet another writers block sooo please bear with me.... hopefully it will pass soon and I can get back to actually writing something worth reading. In the time being though, I will have to just keep it safe and maybe talk about myself for a bit, and the things I like. You can try to read through but skimming through the words is good enough too. Anyway... have fun learning about the totally amusing me!
I guess I have to introduce myself, because that is the way to begin to about someone. Hello, my name is Hope. I am fourteen and I live in *** *****, **. (you thought I was going to tell you where I lived... you stalker ^_^) I am a secret agent for myself and I go on important missions that save the world everyday. Without me, the world would be in ruins and everyone would be destroyed. I have one attack dog, one attack rat, and one attack guinea pig. They are fuzzy and amazing secret spies. (random thought... but did anyone else watch Totally Spies when they were little?)
I love anime and manga and chibi! This isn't really a new thing to learn, but I guess it's pretty important to me. I have a lot of different nicknames... let me name a few for you guys... Panda, Pancat, Mysterygirl, Hopie, HopieBear, Blondie, ect.... just to name a few of them. By the way, Pancat is a mix between a panda and a cat... it is the most amazing creature since the liger  (a cross between a lion and a tiger.. GO NEPOLEON DYNAMITE) My favorite movie is either My Neighbor Totoro, Scott Pilgrim, or Little Miss Sunshine. T.V. shows that are my favorite would either have to be Angel Beats, Needless, or Clannad. My favorite character of all time would have to be Yui from Angel beats. She is also my all time role model. The animal that I love the the most would have to either be a panda or a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. Both of them are just tooooo adorable!
My all time dream someday is to get married to someone nice someday and be happy with that person forever. I guess that my dream job would either be a manga writer or an animal behaviorist. Other than those two dreams... I can't really think of another dreams I should put on here.... Maybe characters that I would want to be if I had a choice. I would either be Yui, from Angel Beats, Kotomi, from Clannad, Fuko, from Clannad, or Mio, from Needless.
....Yeah that's all I really have to tell you guys about me.... if you have any other questions that you can think of... ask me in the comments and I will gladly answer them!
Be a Hero
~mystergirl (now not so mysterious)

1 comment:

  1. hmmm... i just remembered another nickname i had in 6th grade... everyone had breakfast food names and i got the worst one... -_- i got white toast as my nickname and my friend Alex will still tease me about it... yeah ok sorry random thought x3
